Wild deer are an important asset for Scotland. They contribute to the rural economy, are integral to our biodiversity and attract – from near and far – visitors hoping for an unforgettable wildlife encounter.
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As well as promoting venison as a healthy food, we help to make deer watching more accessible, highlight rut events and do educational work around deer.
Deer can affect plants, trees and other wildlife, and so deer management helps to manage Scotland’s countryside, land and natural assets as a whole. We offer general guidance on deer management for all owners and managers of land where Scotland’s wild deer roam.
Designated sites affected by deer impacts can join the Delivering Favourable Condition programme and access financial support specifically to address the issue.
To protect public safety, we work with other agencies to minimise road traffic accidents, and offer drivers advice on how to avoid deer vehicle collisions. This work also helps to safeguard deer welfare.
Framework for deer management
For further information, see the following links on natureScot: