Foraging Fortnight is a celebration of Scotland’s natural environment and wild food with a series of events taking place across Fife, Moray, Lanarkshire, Orkney and the Forth Valley and Lomond areas.
Events range from coastal foraging to herbal wellness; wild food feasts to fireside evenings and topical talks.
It’s an ideal opportunity to discover the delicious and useful species on your doorstep or discover unknown areas: from the rolling hills of Lanarkshire, the golden beaches and fields of Fife; the mountains and coast of Moray; the woodlands and lochs of the Forth Valley and Loch Lomond area; to the diverse islands of Orkney.
Visi the Foraging Fortnight website to find out more.
Foraging Fortnight received funding from LEADER with support from natureScot. The project encourages you to enjoy Scotland's rural landscape through responsible foraging and adherence to the Outdoors Access Code.